Friday, September 02, 2005

Mom To The Rescue!....

Okay, I was reading a blog from a friend of mine and had responded to one of her posts. Well, her mom responded back to me, and that just so brought me back to living on Landis Street and having 9 houses separate me and Stacie.

One time my friend came down and was freaking out a bit because her mom was not in a good mood, after having a fight with her husband. So Stacie and I begged mom to come down to the house to talk with her to make sure she was going to be alright. Well, mom finally relented and walked down the street with us, beer in one hand, cigarette in the other . So mom went up to the house, and talked with my friend's mom, while Stacie and I stood outside and hoping mom could talk to her and help her. Gosh, us girls were so silly! But hey, at least we cared, you know? :D

So everything was alright and we thanked mom for coming down anyway.

I also remember one time when I was watching Stacie's house for them while they were on vacation. It was around Thanksgiving, I think. When I opened up the house, I could hear their dog, and I thought, "Hey, that's odd, why can I hear the dog barking?" So I went to check it out, and realized Stacie's slider to the backyard was open. At first I thought I had left it open, but I knew I hadn't. That's when I saw the TV in Stacie room on the floor by the door. I looked back in the living room and noticed the VCR was gone. I freaked out and called the police. While I was waiting for them, I called mom and begged her to come down and wait with me. So, of course, she did, beer in one hand, cigarette in the other, and we waited for the police.

Thanksgiving....that was never a good holiday for me and Stacie and Vicki. The first time we had a run in with disaster, was when we were driving with some boys who were speeding and got pulled over. The police made us sit on the curb while half of Burbank High drove by! Then they took us to the station where our parents had to come and pick us up! Vicki's parents were furious! I think Stacie's parents were either out of town or said it was okay for mom to get her. So mom strolls in the police station (no cigarette or beer then, wouldn't have been a good idea...) and totally makes a joke out of it! She tells the police officers, yes, in all the time she's lived in Burbank, she's never been to the police station. The very first time she has to, was to get me. We so thought we were busted (and I think maybe Stacie did get in a little trouble? not sure...) but I do not even remember getting in trouble with mom. She knew it wasn't a big deal and we weren't in trouble, the police just didn't want us getting back in the car with the boys.

Ahhhh, then when I froze the engine of the car the night before Thanksgiving. Yea, let's not go there. That was a dumb thing on my part. I can't even remember who picked us up then. Maybe Janis' dad? Can't recall.

Then, the third Thanksgiving, we came out in the morning and we had a flat tire. I know I went out that night, so I must have driven over something. I think mom was about ready to give up on Thanksgiving by that point. LOL!! Gosh, she was so wonderful with us!!!


Blogger Tina said...


You were only between 5 & 7 years old back then, so I doubt you would remember them.

Yea, mom WAS cool. We SOOO had such a cool mom! Do you remember her buying beer for me and my friends and playing quarters at the house?

Grandma was so strict with her, that I think she realized she didn't want to be that way.

3:07 PM  

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