Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sunday, Father's Day.....

Wow, it's been six months since mom passed away. Sometimes it seems like so long ago, and then it also seems like it just happened.

Today is Father's Day. Another "first without mom" day to get through. I always used to call mom up and wish her a Happy Father's Day. I know when we were little we would make presents and give them to Grandpa, since he was really the only father-type figure we had growing up, but I still would always wish mom too. She was our mom and dad in our lives.

Growing up just about all of my friends had their mom and dad there in their lives. Sometimes I wished we had a dad around, but most of the time I truly loved it being just us girls. I never really wanted a man in mom's life and have him take time away from us. I know that sounds selfish, but I just felt that way.

Our house was so small, but mom made it our home. She made everything fit, you know?

I still so wish she was here with us. Like you, Heidi, I miss her little quirks too, that used to irritate me. I miss her laugh too. One of my most favorite memories of her laughing was the year I gave her the Odie slippers for Christmas. I remember her opening up that present and just laughing for probably five minutes straight!

I could almost always make her laugh. I loved being able to do that, especially on the phone.


Blogger Tina said...


I agree with you that I feel bad that mom never knew what it was like to have a man truly love her, with the exception of her dad. Oh, I couldn't stand it when Ed hit on her! Heck, I couldn't stand it when your dad was with mom, although YOU came out of that, so it was a good thing. :) I think mom knew though that we didn't want a man around, we just wanted her, and maybe she liked that it was just her, even though it was a huge task to do, raising the 3 of us by herself. At least she did have grandma and grandpa to help her. :)

5:39 PM  

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